
It’s easy to plan your tasks by dragging them from the task list directly into the “MiniMonth” calendar.  This assigns a deadline to that task on the date that you drag it to.

A few handy things to note:

✓ A red dot appears on the day to indicate that one or more ‘due’ tasks on that day.

✓ The “heat graph” in the Mini Month calendar (different shades of grey) shows you which days have more appointments in them.  Better not to drag tasks into those busy days!

✓ Dragging a task into a day in the MM calendar will create a deadline on that day. If you have Alerts set up by default, it will also schedule or update a pop-up alert to remind you in advance.

✓ In the MiniMonth calendar, you can select any day that has a red dot in it, and view all “due” tasks for that day in the small Focus window that appears just below the MiniMonth calendar.

✓ Now that you have assigned deadlines to your critical tasks, you can sort the list by “Due” and, magically, you have a perfectly focused and prioritized list of your To Do’s!

This video clip illustrates:

This tip applies to SmartDay for Mac OS X, version 1.0.3 and above.


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